October 24, 2022

October 24th, 2022


In our prayers this week, we remember the following school families: John & Anna Francis, Travis & Heidi Gregory and Justin & Chelsea Guiffre


We will be designating our offerings for October to Orphan Grain Train.  Orphan Grain Train is currently coordinating relief efforts in Ukraine. Our Current Total is: $27.32


Our students collected offerings in August and September for Operation Christmas Child, a program through Samaritan’s Purse Organization.  Shoeboxes of Christmas gifts are sent around the world to bless children in need.  We purchased a set of 50 shoe boxes to fill, but we will only be filling some of the boxes at school, so we are offering school families the opportunity to pick up a box and pamphlet in the school office for filling.  Each box needs to have one large toy item, small hygiene items and school supplies, as well as a $10 donation to pay for shipping the boxes and adding Bible materials in the child’s language.  If you would like to participate, please stop by the school office to pick up a box.  Your box needs to be returned to the school by Sunday, November 13th, as national collection week begins on the 14th.  We will transport the boxes to Christ Community Church, our local drop off site. Thank you for your assistance!  We would love to pack all 50 boxes with our school and church community!


With total funds raised over $4,000, we are on our way to reaching our goal of $8,000! Thanks so much for your support so far.  Remember to register @ MYBOOSTER.COM and Share.


St. Paul’s Literacy Fair/ Chili Cook off and Bake Off will be held on Sunday, November 13th.  The fair will be open from 4:30-6:30 p.m., The PTL will also have a Chili Cook Off and Bake Off, and the scholastic book fair will be open for purchasing books!  Mark your calendars now!


Think your chili or cookie recipe is the best?! Let’s find out! This year at the Literacy Fair, PTL is hosting a Chili-Cook off and Bake Off in lieu of the Soup Supper, and we need your help! We need 12-15 crock pots of chili to serve that evening, and 15 dozen cookies.  Entry forms will be sent home next week. Plan to come, sample and vote for your favorite!  Winners announced that evening- Bragging rights only! Alternative non-chili soup will be available.  If you have questions, reach out to Penny Schafer or Anni Paulmeyer at ahp424@gmail.com.


School picture retake day is set for Tomorrow Tuesday, October 25th at 9:00 a.m.  If your child was absent on picture day, there are picture packet forms available at the office.  If you want their picture retaken, send their picture packet back to school. 


The 3rd grade class will present chapel this Wednesday, October 26th @ 8:25 a.m. in the gym.  Parents are welcome to attend.


On Tuesday, October 25th, 4th Grade will travel to Whispering Acres Farm for a Field Trip.


As you are selecting costumes for our Run and Reformation Party, please refrain from choosing scary masked costumes, horror movie characters, or costumes with weapons.  Please ensure that all costumes are Christian School appropriate. Thanks for helping to ensure we have a fun, safe school environment.


It’s coming, and you can be a part of it!  Do you have candy you want to get out of the house before you eat it?  Have you been told your face scares people?  If you answered YES to either of those questions, then we need your help!  Members of St. Paul’s are invited to dig into your creative side and come have fun with little trick-or-treaters at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church parking lot on Thursday, October 27th.  Beginning at 6 pm till 7:30pm we will have treats and games for kids.  Decorate your trunk or pickup bed, make up some games, or just come watch and share the fun with all the little ones! (Costumes are optional, but Fun!) If you’d like to join in the festivities, contact a member of the Evangelism Committee for more details.  Anyone who wants to decorate their trunks and participate in the event can sign up on the bulletin board in the narthex.   There will be a donation box in the narthex at the church or at the school for candy donations.  Monetary donations can be ear-marked on an envelope and put in the collection plate on Sundays.  Thank you for your help!  This event would not be possible without you! Sponsored by St. Paul’s Lutheran Evangelism Committee and Thrivent Financial.  If any of our school families are interested in participating in this fun event, please contact Peggy Doering at 402-223-5123.


The November PTL meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 2nd at 6:30 p.m. in the school media center.  Please plan to attend.


Mrs. Duever’s Son Andrew has been chosen to be a member of the National FFA Band, and she will be gone this week Wednesday through Friday to attend the convention and watch him perform.  If you need assistance please contact your child’s teacher or KayLynn in the school office.


There will be no school on Friday, November 4th for a teacher in-service day, for students in grades PK-5. 


Monday and Tuesday, October 31ST for PreK-5 & Childcare & November 1st for Preschool, we will be celebrating the Fall Holiday Season with class parties!  The students will be encouraged to wear costumes and enjoy carnival games for prizes with their class on the basketball court behind the school or in the gym, depending on weather.  This will take place immediately following each class’s costume run.  Your child’s teacher will let you know if they are wearing costumes all day or putting them on before the party.  We are still accepting candy donations!

Parents signed up to help are:

Monday, Oct. 31st Childcare 10:00-10:30                 Monday Oct. 31st AM PreK 10:30-11:00

                                                                                    Kylie Wiens                

Monday, Oct. 31st Kdg & 1st 1:00-1:30                    Monday, Oct. 31st 2nd & 3rd 1:30-2:00          

Maizy Wollenburg      Anni Paulmeyer                      Jalanea Tabke             Brandy Coffin

Colleen Lovett             Brandy Coffin                          Jill Helmke                  Katie Phillips

Ashley Langley                        Anna Francis                           Ashley Langley                        Erin Oden

Heidi Gregory             Erin Oden                                Anni Paulmeyer          Alyssa Lieneman        

Laura Chisano             Lindsey Clabaugh                    Deann Paulson            Lindsey Clabaugh

Monday, Oct. 31st 4th & 5th 2:00-2:30                       Monday, Oct. 1st PM PreK 2:30-3:00           

Jill Helmke                  Ashley Langley                        Deann Paulson            Brooke Thayer           

Jamie Miller                Steph Clark Moss                    Ashley Langley                        Laura Chisano

                                                                                    Anni Paulmeyer          Connie Harmon

Tuesday, Nov. 1st AM Preschool 10:30-11:00          Tuesday Nov. 1st PM Preschool 2:30-3:00  

Jalanea Tabke             Callie Engler                           Amanda Fitzwater                  

Chavonn Mailahn        Megan Fralin                                     

Sheena Deke                                                                                      


Sunmart cash register receipts update:  Our current total is $95,332.91.

Russ’s Market cash register receipts update:  Russ’s Market starts off with $7,984.30

Other items you can collect to support or school: Box Tops for Education (must be submitted electronically); Best Choice, Our Family Labels and Tyson A+ Labels. All these collections can be submitted to the school office, and we thank you for helping to support our school!

In Christ,  

Amy Duever