September 6th Newsletter


In our prayers this week, we remember the following school families: Michelle & Brad Achtemeier, Jason & Dyan Allington, Crystal & Matthew Anderson, and Mary & Chris Andregg.

The All School Field Trip will be held on Monday, September 19th. We will travel as a school to Vala’s Pumpkin Patch. The cost is $12/adult and $7.50/child. The cost includes a train ride and pumpkin for students, and a train ride and pumpkin coupon for adults. The permission slip/driver form and money are due this Friday, September 9th.

We have received an appeal from Gordon Schamber, the principal of Baton Rouge Lutheran School, for the help with funding following the devastating floods. Please read the excerpt from his letter:

“First and foremost we want you to know that the Christian education ministries of Trinity Lutheran Church, Baton Rouge Lutheran School (BRLS) and the Trinity Lutheran Child Development Center (TLCDC), were untouched by the floodwaters and are continuing to share an Education Anchored In Christ. However, almost unbelievably, 47% (83) of our 175 school children have flooded homes. More than 50% (13) of our 25 school faculty and staff had water in their homes from a few inches up to 6-8 feet.

Now many parents are concerned about how they are going to keep their children at BRLS and in TLCDC. Their money is now needed for other priorities such as food, shelter, transportation, and other necessities. We would love to waive all school costs for these families, but the reality is we still need to pay our staff and our bills. Nonetheless we are determined to keep those children in BRLS and the TLCDC to whatever extent possible even though at this moment we do not have the financial resources to waive the partial or full costs of tuition, lunch, and childcare. We may even be able to enroll some children who have been affected by the flood who may need assistance.

If you, or your school and church would like to partner with us, we would be grateful for any monetary donations that will allow us to keep all students at BRLS while their families try to put their lives back together. All donations will provide financial assistance for student’s tuition, lunch, childcare, school supplies, and uniforms as well as providing gift cards to help families purchase food and other necessities.”

The teachers have decided to use our August and September Chapel Offerings for this cause. We will support Mercy Meals in November and December.

September tuition was paid at registration; your next tuition payment will be due October 1st. When your lunch account drops below $10.00, a reminder will come home!

The 4th grade will travel to Rock Creek Station on Friday, September 9th.

Today, Tuesday, September 6th, the 5th Grade students will begin the Jr. Fire Marshal program sponsored by the Beatrice Fire Department. The program runs for 4 weeks, meeting one hour a week and is taught by firefighter Josh Hesson.

Sunday School at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church will begin next Sunday, September 11th. The Sunday School classes will be held in the church basement at 9:15 AM.

We are planning a special Christian Education Sunday at the 8:00 AM Worship Service at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church on Sunday, September 11th. The students in Grades K-5 will sing during this service. The students are to sit with their parents and will come up to the front when they sing. If you are not members of St. Paul’s Church, we invite you to worship with us on this Sunday so your children may sing with us.

St. Paul School has a parent organization, PTL, which gives all parents an opportunity to participate in your child’s school and education. The first PTL meeting will be held Tuesday, September 13th at 7:00 PM. All parents, Pre-School through 5th Grade are invited and encouraged to attend.

This week, the K-5 students will finish taking fall MAPS assessments. Please make sure they are well rested and eat a good breakfast, so they can do their best on the tests.

SunMart cash register receipts update: Our total is $150,000.00. Thanks to everyone who helps us collect these receipts, every receipt helps.

In Christ,

Amy Duever